スペインの映画政策とジェンダー<br>Spanish Film Policies and Gender

  • 電子書籍

Spanish Film Policies and Gender

  • 著者名:Meneses, Jara Fernández
  • 価格 ¥4,387 (本体¥3,989)
  • Routledge(2024/03/01発売)
  • ポイント 39pt (実際に付与されるポイントはご注文内容確認画面でご確認下さい)
  • 言語:ENG
  • ISBN:9781032439648
  • eISBN:9781040031315

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This book provides a comprehensive cultural and historical account of the key film policies put into place by the Spanish state between 1980 and 2010 through a gendered lens, framing these policies within the wider context of European film legislation.

Departing from the belief that there is no such thing as an objective and value-neutral approach to policy analysis because our society is organised around gender, this volume builds upon Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of field to propose that film policies do not emerge in a vacuum because they respond to different demands from those agents involved in the field of the Spanish cinema. By so doing, it critically assesses how these policies have come into being, by whom, in response to what interests, how they have shaped the Spanish film industry, and how far and in what ways they have tackled gender inequality in the Spanish film industry.

This book will be of great interest to scholars and students of Spanish cinema, gender studies, film industry studies, film policy, and feminist film studies.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Contemporary Spanish Film Policies

Chapter 2: The 1980s: The Making of a New Democratic Cinema

Chapter 3: The 1990s: Hoping for a Better Future

Chapter 4: The 2000s: Towards a Feminist Film Law?
