Travels, Explorations and Empires, 1770-1835, Part I Vol 3 : Travel Writings on North America, the Far East, North and South Poles and the Middle East

  • 電子書籍

Travels, Explorations and Empires, 1770-1835, Part I Vol 3 : Travel Writings on North America, the Far East, North and South Poles and the Middle East

  • 著者名:Fulford, Tim/Kitson, Peter J/Youngs, Tim
  • 価格 ¥11,432 (本体¥10,393)
  • Routledge(2021/12/24発売)
  • ポイント 103pt (実際に付与されるポイントはご注文内容確認画面でご確認下さい)
  • 言語:ENG
  • ISBN:9781138765337
  • eISBN:9781000559880

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A collection of work that attempts to reflect the diversity of travel literature from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This literature often reveals something of the cultural and gender difference of the travellers, as well as ideas on colonialism, anthropology and slavery.

Table of Contents

Part I Volume 3: India Alexander Burnes, Travels into Bokhara; Being the Account of a Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia; Also, Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, from the Sea to Lahore, with Presents from the King of Great Britain; Performed under the orders of the Supreme Goverment of India, in the Years 1831, 1832, and 1833 (1834); Fanny Parks, Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque, During Four-and-Twenty Years in the East; with Revelations of Life in the Zenana (1850); Richard Francis Burton, Scinde; or, the Unhappy Valley (1851); William Henry Sleeman, A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, in 1849-50; by Direction of the Right Hon. the Earl of Dalhousie, Governor-General. With Private Correspondence relative to the Annexation of Oude to British India (1858); [Mrs. G. Harris], A Lady's Diary of the Siege of Lucknow, Written for the Perusal of Friends at Home (1858); R. M. Coopland, A Lady's Escape from Gwalior and Life in the Fort of Agra during the Mutinies of 1857 (1859); William Howard Russell, My Diary in India, in the year 1858-9 (1860); Emily Eden, 'Up the Country': Letters written to her Sister from the Upper Provinces of India (1866); Emily Eden, Letters from India, ed. by her Niece, the Hon. Eleanor Eden (1872); Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, India Under Ripon: A Private Diary (1909)