Canadian Cultural Policy in Transition

  • 電子書籍

Canadian Cultural Policy in Transition

  • 言語:ENG
  • ISBN:9780367680619
  • eISBN:9781000417210

ファイル: /


This book offers a comprehensive overview of Canadian cultural policy and research, at a time of transition and redefinition, to establish a dialogue between conventional and emerging foundations. Taking a historical view, the book informs insights on current trends in policy and explores global debates underpinning cultural policy studies within a local context.

The book first acknowledges what Canadian cultural policy research conventionally recognizes and refers to in terms of institutions, values, and debates, before moving on to take stock of the transformations that are continuing to reshape Canadian cultural policy in terms of values, orientations, actors, and institutions. With a focus on all levels of government-- federal, provincial, and local -- the book also centers on Indigenous arts policies and practices.

This systematic and inclusive volume will appeal to academic researchers, graduate students, managers of arts and culture programs and institutions, and in the areas of cultural policy, public administration, political science, cultural studies, film and media studies, theatre and performance, and museum studies.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Policy and perspectives in transition – Canadian cultural policy

Devin Beauregard and Jonathan Paquette

PART I - Situating Canadian cultural policy – Classic and conventional conceptions of Canadian cultural policy

1. Arts policy, heritage policy, and the construction of a Canadian identity (1840–1949)

Carl Dholandas and Jonathan Paquette

2. Culture in transition: The cultural policy legacy of the Massey Commission

Devin Beauregard

3. Canada at 100, Canada at 150: The challenge and legacy of commemorating a nation built on colonialism

Devin Beauregard

4. Cultural policy in Canada: An institutional perspective

Jonathan Paquette and Carl Dholandas

5. Canadian cultural policy: Policy rationale, values and debates

Jonathan Paquette, Carl Dholandas, and Devin Beauregard

6. Canadian cultural policy and Indigenous arts: Taking stock

Aurélie Lacassagne

PART II - Social justice and diversity – The changing landscape of Canadian cultural policy

7. Policy performance: Disciplining artists in the #MeToo era

Lowell Gasoi

8. Representing the marginalized public: How the Workers’ History Museum challenges the heritage policy landscape

Christopher Gunter

9. Cultural participation through digital technology: A puzzling issue for cultural governance

Guillaume Sirois, Nathalie Casemajor, and Guy Bellavance

10. Promoting the cultural expressions of migrants through education and public awareness programs: The crucial role of the UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

Ivana Otasevic

11. The contribution of international forums apart from UNESCO in achieving the objectives of the Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the digital environment

Clémence Varin

12. Analyzing Canadian third language media policy: Carving a path for the future of Canadian ethnic media

Geneva Alexandria Nam

PART III – Cultural and creative industries – Innovation and industrialization of Canadian culture

13. Digital cultural industrialism and the arts: A critical look at Creative Canada and the Canada Council for the Arts’ Digital Strategy Fund

Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte

14. Understanding the instrumentalization of creativity in provincial cultural policies: The creative economy project in British Columbia

Taeyoung Kim

15. The "New Main Street": Reshaping the Canadian creative ecosystem

Mary Elizabeth Luka

16. From all directions: Responses to changes in environment and government direction at FACTOR, 2005–2020

Richard Sutherland

17. Quality over Quantity: The role of the Ontario Museum Association in community museum governance

Robin Nelson

18. Experimentation in federal cultural policy

Kate Mattocks