ぶんころり/カントク『佐々木とピーちゃん 異世界でスローライフを楽しもうとしたら、現代で異能バトルに巻き込まれた件』(英訳)vol.1<br>Sasaki and Peeps, Vol. 1 (light novel) (Sasaki & Peeps Light Novel Sc)


ぶんころり/カントク『佐々木とピーちゃん 異世界でスローライフを楽しもうとしたら、現代で異能バトルに巻き込まれた件』(英訳)vol.1
Sasaki and Peeps, Vol. 1 (light novel) (Sasaki & Peeps Light Novel Sc)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 232 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781975343521
  • DDC分類 895.636

Full Description

Even though Sasaki's droll corporate life is constantly filled with work, it leaves him tired and unfulfilled at the end of every day. In search of some companionship to fill the emptiness in his life, he visits a pet shop on a whim, not realizing he's about to change his life forever. After settling on an adorable bird and bringing it home...his new roommate reveals that it's actually an incredible sage from another world who promptly bestows Sasaki with supernatural powers as well as the ability to cross between worlds. All Sasaki wants to do is use these newfound powers to live in peace and comfort, but there are more than a few colorful characters who might get in the way of that...
