Fundamentals of Micro-Optics


Fundamentals of Micro-Optics

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 646 p./サイズ 197 exercises
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780521895422
  • DDC分類 621.369



Full Description

From optical fundamentals to advanced applications, this comprehensive guide to micro-optics covers all the key areas for those who need an in-depth introduction to micro-optic devices, technologies, and applications. Topics covered range from basic optics, optical materials, refraction, and diffraction, to micro-mirrors, micro-lenses, diffractive optics, optoelectronics, and fabrication. Advanced topics, such as tunable and nano-optics, are also discussed. Real-world case studies and numerous worked examples are provided throughout, making complex concepts easier to follow, whilst an extensive bibliography provides a valuable resource for further study. With exercises provided at the end of each chapter to aid and test understanding, this is an ideal textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students taking courses in optics, photonics, micro-optics, microsystems, and MEMs. It is also a useful self-study guide for research engineers working on optics development.


1. Introduction; 2. The physics of light; 3. Optical materials; 4. Optical interfaces; 5. Interferometry; 6. Reflective micro-optics; 7. Refractive micro-optics; 8. Diffractive micro-optics; 9. Guided-wave micro-optics; 10. Active micro-optics; 11. Micro-optical fabrication; 12. Tunable micro-optics; 13. Fluidic micro-optics; 14. Nano-optics.