Constructivist Instruction : Success or Failure?


Constructivist Instruction : Success or Failure?

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 392 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415994248
  • DDC分類 370.1523

Full Description

Constructivist Instruction: Success or Failure? brings together leading thinkers from both sides of the hotly debated controversy about constructivist approaches to instruction. Although constructivist theories and practice now dominate the fields of the learning sciences, instructional technology, curriculum and teaching, and educational psychology, they have also been the subject of sharp criticism regarding sparse research support and adverse research findings. This volume presents:

the evidence for and against constructivism;

the challenges from information-processing theorists; and

commentaries from leading researchers in areas such as text comprehension, technology, as well as math and science education, who discuss the constructivist framework from their perspectives.

Chapters present detailed views from both sides of the controversy. A distinctive feature of the book is the dialogue built into it between the different positions. Each chapter concludes with discussions in which two authors with opposing views raise questions about the chapter, followed by the author(s)' responses to those questions; for some chapters there are several cycles of questions and answers. These discussions, and concluding chapters by the editors, clarify, and occasionally narrow the differences between positions and identify needed research.


Foreword, Robert J. Sternberg


Part I. Introduction

Chapter 1. The Success or Failure of Constructivist Instruction: An Introduction

Sigmund Tobias and Timothy M. Duffy

Part II. The Evidence for Constructivism

Chapter 2. Reconciling a Human Cognitive Architecture

David Jonassen

Chapter 3. Constructivism in an Age of Non-Constructivist Assessments

Daniel L. Schwartz, Robb Lindgren, and Sarah Lewis

Chapter 4. Taking Guided Learning Theory to School: Reconciling the Cognitive, Motivational, and Social Contexts of Instruction

Phillip Herman and Louis M. Gomez

Chapter 5. Beyond More Versus Less: A Reframing of the Debate on Instructional Guidance

Alyssa Friend Wise and Kevin O'Neill

Chapter 6. Constructivism: When It's the Wrong Idea and When It's the Only Idea

Rand J. Spiro and Michael DeSchryver

Part III. Challenges to the Constructivist View

Chapter 7. What Human Cognitive Architecture Tells Us About Constructivism

John Sweller

Chapter 8. Epistemology or Pedagogy, That Is the Question

Paul A. Kirschner

Chapter 9. How Much and What Type of Guidance is Optimal for Learning?

Richard E. Clark

Chapter 10. Constructivism as a Theory of Learning Versus Constructivism as a Prescription for Instruction.

Richard E. Mayer

Chapter 11. The Empirical Support for Direct Instruction

Barak Rosenshine

Part IV. An Examination of Specific Learning and Motivational Issues

Chapter 12. Learning and Constructivism

Walter Kintsch

Chapter 13. From Behaviorism to Constructivism: A Philosophical Journey from Drill and Practice to Situated Learning

J. D. Fletcher

Chapter 14. What's Worth Knowing about Mathematics?

Melissa Sommerfeld Gresalfi and Frank Lester

Chapter 15. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens" What about Direct Instruction?

David Klahr

Chapter 16. Beyond the Fringe: Building and Evaluating Scientific Knowledge Systems

Richard A. Duschl and Ravit Golan Duncan

Part V. Summing Up

Chapter 17. An Eclectic Appraisal of the Success or Failure of Constructivist Instruction

Sigmund Tobias

Chapter 18. Building Lines of Communication and a Research Agenda

Thomas M. Duffy