Introduction to Twentieth-century Poetry in English -- Paperback

Introduction to Twentieth-century Poetry in English -- Paperback

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 320 p.
  • 商品コード 9780333606704
  • DDC分類 821.91209

Full Description

This critical survey of modern poetry from Thomas Hardy to Seamus Heaney considers both the self-consciously revolutionary innovations of Modernism and more traditional developments, taking fully into account the extent to which 'English' can no longer be equated solely with England. Scots, Welsh and Irish poetry, and poetry from Commonwealth countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean, are recognised as equally important aspects of the diversity that characterises modern poetry in English; and, in particular, the contributions of North American poets such as Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens and Robert Lowell receive the major emphasis that their achievement and extensive influence warrants and attention is given to important new perspectives in the work of women poets such as Adrienne Rich, Sylvia Plath and Elizabeth Bishop.


Acknowledgements.- Preface.- Introduction.- ModernismWilliam Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens.- An Alternative Tradition: Hardy, Frost, Kipling and Graves.- Private and Public: Yeats and Lowell.- Poetry of Two World Wars.- Auden and Co..- Women's Poetry.- Notes.- Further Reading.- Index.