Frankenstein (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism) (3TH)


Frankenstein (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism) (3TH)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 596 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780312463182
  • DDC分類 823.7

Full Description

Revised to reflect critical trends of the past 15 years, the third iteration of this widely adopted critical edition presents the 1831 text of Mary Shelley's English Romantic novel along with critical essays that introduce students to Frankenstein from contemporary psychoanalytic, Marxist, feminist, gender/queer, postcolonial, and cultural studies perspectives. The text and essays are complemented by contextual documents, introductions (with bibliographies), and a glossary of critical and theoretical terms.

In the third edition, three of the six essays are new, representing recent gender/queer, postcolonial, and cultural theories. The contextual documents have been significantly revised to include many images of Frankenstein from contemporary popular culture.


PART I: FRANKENSTEIN: THE COMPLETE TEXT IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 1. Biographical and Historical Contexts.- 2. The Complete Text.- PART II: FRANKENSTEIN IN CULTURAL CONTEXT.- PART III: FRANKENSTEIN: A CASE STUDY IN CONTEMPORARY CRITICISM 3. A Critical History of Frankenstein.- 4. Psychoanalytic Criticism and Frankenstein .- 5. The Monster and the Maternal Thing: Mary Shelley's Critique of Ideology; David Collings.- 6. Feminist Criticism and Frankenstein.- 7. 'Cooped Up' with 'Sad Trash': Domesticity and the Sciences in Frankenstein; Johanna M. Smith.- 8. Marxist Criticism and Frankenstein.- 9. 'The Workshop of Filthy Creation': A Marxist Reading of Frankenstein; Warren Montag.- 10. Gender Criticism/Queer Theory and Frankenstein.- 11. Victor's Secret: Queer Gothic in Lynd Ward's Illustrations to Frankenstein (1934); Grant F. Scott.- 12. Cultural Criticism and Frankenstein.- 13. Crusades Against Frost: Frankenstein, Polar Ice, and Climate Change in 1818; Siobhan Carroll.- 14. Postcolonial Criticism and Frankenstein.- 15. 'This Thing of Darkness': Racial Discourse in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; Allan Lloyd Smith.- Glossary of Critical and Theoretical Terms.