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The History of Nursing

The History of Nursingについて
看護学の黎明期から20世紀まで― 各地のアーカイブ所蔵史料を集大成
パート1:アデレート ナッティング 看護業務の歴史コレクション
Part I : The Adelaide Nutting Historical Nursing Collection
 3,776 fiche
 「ナッティング コレクション」には、15世紀から20世紀にかけての医療、看護、医療機関の歴史に関する1,500以上の研究論文と資料がおさめられています。その中でも、17世紀から18世紀にかけてのフランスの病院に関する資料と、フローレンス・ナイチンゲールの論文、著作、書簡などは特別に価値のあるものです。
Part II: The Archives of the Department of Nursing Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
 4,334 fiche
Supplement to Part II: The Archives  
 1,274 fiche
 ここに収録されているのは、全米看護連盟NLNや米国病院協会AHAで活躍したエリノア C・ランバーツェンの官公庁(保健福祉省、教育省、国防総省など)在職時からの記録と、ニューヨーク州の行政機関やその他多くの看護団体での活動についての資料です。ユージニア K・スポルディング資料は米国における看護教育プログラムの発展について彼女の果たした主要な役割を記録しています。資料に含まれているものは、彼女の講義録、演説草稿、著作のほか、米国公衆衛生総局とコロンビア大学教育学部に在任中の功績に関する記録です。
The commitment of nurses worldwide to excellence in health care, research, and teaching has made this profession an integral and indispensable part of today's medical establishment. Schools of nursing and institutions supporting nursing programs can now carry this commitment forward by making the research resources of Teachers College, Columbia University, part of their own teaching libraries.

The History of Nursing is a unique historical collection that chronicles the development of nursing education and the profession of nursing. Included are 1,500 monographs and 85,000 items such as letters, minutes, records, government reports, position papers, and photographs providing insights into the lives of nursing pioneers and the ongoing progress of their successors. This comprehensive collection is divided into three parts.

Part I: The Adelaide Nutting Historical Nursing Collection The Nutting Collection contains more than 1,500 monographs and documents about the history of medicine, nursing, and hospitals, from the 15th century through the early 20th century.

Particularly valuable are documents from French hospitals of the 17th and 18th centuries, plus articles, books, and correspondence by Florence Nightingale.
Part II: The Archives of the Department of Nursing Education, Teachers College, Columbia University Featured in the Archives are the letters, diaries, family papers, and photographs of Adelaide Nutting and other leaders in nursing education, including Lavinia Dock, Isabel Stewart, and R. Louise McManus.

Studies performed by the Columbia University Department of Nursing Education and by national organizations, government reports on health and nursing (particularly during the World Wars), and a biographical file of prominent nursing pioneers are included. This part of the collection contains 85,000 items, dating from 1899 to the present.

Supplement to Part II: The Archives The Supplement to Part II, released in 1986, adds another body of important material to this collection. It contains the personal and professional papers of two of nursing's outstanding 20th-century leaders: Eleanor C. Lambertsen and Eugenia K. Spalding.

Eleanor Lambertsen was active in many facets of nursing, including the National League for Nursing and the American Hospital Association. Included in this section are records from her many government positions with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the Veteran's Administration, and the Department of Defense, plus her work for New York State and many prestigious health foundations.

The papers of Eugenia K. Spalding document her major role in the education of nursing faculty and the appraisal and improvement of nursing education programs. Among the materials included are papers pertaining to her work in the United States Public Health Service, her tenure at Teachers College, Columbia University, as well as her lectures, addresses, and published works.

Portions of The History of Nursing collection are from the Adelaide B. Nutting Historical Nursing Collection and the Archives of the Department of Nursing Education at Milbank Memorial Library, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

 “Your Maternity Nursing will be most useful when it is carried out. I conclude it is for Nurses to attend the Out-Patients. - & to teach the poor mothers how to manage their infants - how to feed, wash & clothe them etc. This is such a very great item in the National Health. & so neglected……..

 Thank you very much for your Sisters' book And while I wish you had a Home Sister to help you with the probationers, I feel that we the Hospitals have no organized system of helping & training the new made Sister to her Sisters' duties. Such a book as yours is much wanted.”

(from Florence Nightingale’s letter to Miss LückesDated June 19, 1893)

Key Facts
complete set 9,359 fiche
Format: Accompanying the collection is a three-volume index, The History of Nursing: An Index to the Microfiche Collection.
Media: Part I--3,776 105 x 148mm microfiche. Part II--4,334 105 x 148mm microfiche. Part III Supplement--1,274 105 X 148mm microfiche

( UMI / ProQuest ) -US- / 日本総代理店:株式会社 紀伊國屋書店





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