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  Energy and Agriculture

Energy and Agricultureについて


Since public awareness peaked in the 1970s over the worldwide energy crisis, an untold amount of literature has been generated about energy supply and conservation, as well as the development of alternative energy sources. Energy and Agriculture includes, in one major microfiche program, an authoritative compilation of these primary resource materials, including:
  • American Society of Agriculture Engineering (ASAE) technical papers
  • books
  • bulletins
  • committee reports
  • conference reports
  • cooperative extension publications
  • industrial literature
  • journals
  • miscellaneous materials from the Rann Document Center, National Science Foundation, Electricity Council, Farm-Electrification Council, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and other prominent organizations
Covering topics such as the development of energy from agricultural products to alternative sources such as wind, solar, and nuclear energy, this collection provides research assistance and important information for all areas of energy and agricultural research.
Universities use Energy and Agriculture in their agricultural, engineering, and home economics programs.
Cooperative extension services discover information for planning, executing, and evaluating learning programs in their service areas. And corporations and governmental agencies throughout the world use this collection to research programs for developing human and economic resources and increasing production capacities.
The collection has been organized into four subject categories for focused research:
  • Alternative Sources of Energy (ALT)--covers the use of solar, wind, and nuclear energy sources
  • Biomass Energy Sources (BIO)-- numerous titles discussing development of renewable energy, utilizing vegetable and coprophagous agricultural byproducts for energy, and energy alternatives such as gasohol and biogas
  • Conservation and Use of Energy (CNV)--provides information on such subjects as food processing, home conservation, and fuel consumption
  • General Energy Resources (GEN)--devoted to issues such as energy policy, the economic aspects of energy consumption, and international energy situations

All 1,532 titles in Energy and Agriculture were selected and compiled by Dr. B.A. Stout of the Agricultural Engineering Department of Texas A&M University. The collection represents today's most significant scientific findings in these important fields.

Key Facts
Complete collection (2,483 microfiche) with guide
Format: Energy and Agriculture: A Bibliographic Guide to the Microfiche Collection, edited by Allene Goforth. Free with collection.
Media: Base Collection--1,816 105 x 148mm microfiche;   1984 update--667 microfiche
Coverage: 1970+
Total Sources Covered: 1,532 titles

( UMI / ProQuest ) -US- / 日本総代理店:株式会社 紀伊國屋書店






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