Origin and Evolution of the Elements - Proceedings of the International Symposium


Origin and Evolution of the Elements - Proceedings of the International Symposium

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 292 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9789810213947
  • DDC分類 530

Full Description

This volume covers a variety of modern aspects of the observational, experimental and theoretical studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the elements in the Universe. The topics include "Early Universe and Primordial Nucleosynthesis", "Evolution of Galaxies", "Nucleosynthesis in Novae and Supernovae", "Neutron Stars and Hadronic Matter", and "Nuclear Astrophysics".


Li, Be and B in population II dwarfs, S. Ryan; big-bang nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of the light elements, T. Kajino; some supernova properties from an observer's point of view, G.A. Tammann; explosive nucleosynthesis in supernovae, K. Nomoto; chemical evolution of galaxies, N. Arimoto; element abundance measurements, from stars to quasars, S. Ryan; X-ray study of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, T. Ohashi; astrophysical experiments for explosive nucleosyntheses, S. Kubono; alpha-rich freeze out and r-process in delayed explosions of type II supernovae, T. Janka; an instability in neutron stars at birth, A. Burrows; realistic approach to dense supernova matter, T. Takatsuka; relativistic equations of state with strangeness in neutron stars, H. Toki; key nuclear properties in nucleosynthesis calculations and their accuracy, F. Thielemann. (Part contents).