Neoplatonism and Contemporary Thought : Part One (Studies in Neoplatonism: Ancient and Modern, Volume 10)


Neoplatonism and Contemporary Thought : Part One (Studies in Neoplatonism: Ancient and Modern, Volume 10)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 425 p.
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  • 商品コード 9780791452769
  • DDC分類 141.2


Leading scholars relate Neoplatonism to contemporary science and philosophy.

Full Description

Significant twentieth-century thinkers offer views of Neoplatonism as having relevance to contemporary life and thought. Specifically discussed is how Neoplatonism relates to contemporary science and contemporary philosophy, including metaphysics and environmental thought.

Contributors include Jay Bregman, John Charles Cooper, Christos Evangeliou, David Fideler, Lewis S. Ford, F.-P. Hager, Curtis L. Hancock, Kelly Parker, R. Baine Harris, Robert Meredith Helm, Paul G. Kuntz, Peter Manchester, Scott A. Olsen, Kelly Parker, David Rodier, Joseph Sen, Huston Smith, Atsushi Sumi, and Michael F. Wagner.


R. Baine Harris


I. Neoplatonism and Contemporary Science

Science and the Great Chain of Being
Huston Smith, Syracuse University

Science Realism and Plotinus' Metaphysics of Nature
Michael F. Wagner, University of San Diego

Teleology Revisited: A Neoplatonic Perspective in Environmental Biology
Peter Manchester, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Plato, Proclus and Peirce; Abduction and the Foundations of the Logic of Discovery
Scott A. Olsen, Central Florida Community College, Ocala, Florida

Neoplatonism and the Cosmological Revolution: Holism, Fractal Geometry and Mind-in-Nature
David Fideler, Editor, Alexandria

Some Relfections on the Neoplatonic View of Space and Time
Robert Meredith Helm, Wake Forest University

The Influence of Plotinus on Bergson's Critique of Empirical Science
Curtis L. Hancock, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri

II. Neoplatonism and Contemporary Philosophy

The Ascent of Soul to Nous: Charles S. Peirce as Neoplatonist
Kelly Parker, Grand Valley State University

Alfred North Whitehead: Between Platonism and Neoplatonism
David Rodier, The American University

Process and Eternity: Whitehead Contemplates Plotinus
Lewis S. Ford, Old Dominion University

The Psyche, The Forms and the Creative One: Toward Reconstruction of Neoplatonic Metaphysics
Atsushi Sumi, Hanazono University, Kyoto, Japan

Santayana's Christian Neoplatonism
Paul G. Kuntz, Emory University

Plotinus and Wittgenstein on Memory
Joseph Sen, Kings College, London

The Neoplatonsim of Dean Inge
R. Baine Harris, Old Dominion University

Paul Tillich's System and Neoplatonism
John Charles Cooper, Ashbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky

The Contemporary Christian Platonism of A.H. Armstrong
Jay Bregman, University of Maine

Neoplatonic Background of the Metaphysics of Karl Jaspers
F.-P. Hager, University of Zurich

The Place of Neoplatonism in the Post-Modern World
Christos Evangeliou, Towson University

Contributors to Part One