The Mode of Information : Poststructuralism and Social Contexts


The Mode of Information : Poststructuralism and Social Contexts

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  • 【入荷遅延について】
  • ◆画像の表紙や帯等は実物とは異なる場合があります。
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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 208 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780745603278
  • DDC分類 301


Examines the changes in communication, in social relations and in our perceptions of reality brought about by the computer.

Full Description

In this path-breaking work, Mark Poster highlights the nature of the newly emerging forms of social life, in the current era. The flexibility of language which the computer allows makes the written word less certain and less concrete. The result of these changes, Poster argues, is a new communication experience, an interaction between humankind and a new kind of reality. Poster discusses the addictive properties of television and arcade video games, as well as the surveillance possibilities which the new communication technologies offer the state. His wide-ranging analysis incorporates the new language-based theories of mathematics, philosophy and literature in Wiener, Derrida and Barthes, among others.

This work is a major new contribution to the debate surrounding the future of electronically mediated-experiences.


Introduction: Words Without Things. 1. The Concept of Postindustrial Society.

2. Baudrillard and TV Ads.

3. Foucault and Data Bases.

4. Derrida and Electronic Writing.

5. Lyotard and Computer Science.

