The Emotional Labour of Nursing : Its Impact on Interpersonal Relations, Management and Educational Environment


The Emotional Labour of Nursing : Its Impact on Interpersonal Relations, Management and Educational Environment

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 232 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780333556993
  • DDC分類 610.73

Full Description

This stimulating and original study is written for nurses, midwives, health visitors and others, such as teachers, social workers and managers engaged in 'caring'. It will interest a variety of students, not only of nursing, but also of women's studies and sociology.The research on which this book is based shows the importance of the charge nurse or ward sister in making emotional style in which it was given, and that nurses felt better able to care for patients and colleagues when their learning environment was emotionally supportive.


Introduction.- Putting their toe in the waterexpecting nurses to care.- Nothing is really said about care: defining nursing knowledge.- You learn from what's wrong with the patient: defining nursing work.- The ward sister and the infrastructure of emotion work: making it visible on the ward.- Death and dying hospital: the ultimate emotional labour.- The caring trajectory: caring styles and capacity over time.- Conclusions.- Methodological appendix.- Appendices.- Notes.- References.- Index.