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【数学書春の特価セール 独・ Springer グループ】

(No.125 2007. 5.29配信号)

世界有数の学術出版グループであるシュプリンガー・フェアラークの数学書は、世界的にトップクラスの内容を誇ります。この度、定例の数学書 通称 Yellow Sale が行われます。今回は、その一部をご案内します。



  また、Yellow Sale対象全タイトルの版元オリジナルカタログ(全48頁)もございます。



Mathematics Unlimited, 2001 and Beyond
3540669132の画像Engquist, B. / Schmid, Wilfried (Eds.)
2001 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\3,999 / 標準価格:税込\6,000    ISBN:9783540669135

Contents: Antman,S.: Nonlinear Continuum Physics;Babuska, I./ Tinsley Oden, J.: Computational Mechanics: Where is it Going?;Jorgensen, J./Lang, S.: The Heat Kernel all Over the Place.

Fractals and Chaos : The Mandelbrot Set and Beyond
0387201580の画像Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
2004 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\3,477 / 標準価格:税込\5,216    ISBN:9780387201580
★Contains the hard-to-obtain original papers, many unpublished illustrations dating back to 1979 and extensive documented historical context showing how Mandelbrot helped change our way of looking at the world.

Fractals and Scaling in Finance : Discontinuity, Concentration, Risk (Selecta Vol.E)
0387983635の画像Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
1997 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\4,697 / 標準価格:税込\7,046    ISBN:9780387983639
★Consists of much new material and reprints of his classic papers.

Contents: Major Themes; New methods in statistical economics; States of randomness; Self-similarity and self-affinity; Rank sized plots; Random flight on Wall Street; Nonlinear forecasts; and more.

Mathematics and Its History (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 2nd ed. 2002. Corr. 2nd printing Edition
0387953361の画像Stillwell, John
2004 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\3,999 / 標準価格:税込\6,000    ISBN:9780387953366
★Contents: The Theorem of Phythagoras; Greek Geometry; Infinity in Greek Mathematics; Number Theory in Asia; Polynomial Equations; Analytical Geometry; Sets, Logic, and Computation; and more.

Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol.211) NEW ED Edition
038795385Xの画像Lang, Serge
2005 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\5,220 / 標準価格:税込\7,830    ISBN:9780387953854
★Contents: Groups.- Rings.- Modules.- Polynomials.- Algebraic Equations.- Galois Theory.- Extensions of Rings.- Transcendental Extensions.- Algebraic Spaces... Intended as a basic text for a one-year course at the graduate level.

Arnold's Problems
3540207481の画像Arnold, Vladimir I.
2005 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\4,348 / 標準価格:税込\6,523    ISBN:9783540207481
★Contains mathematical problems brought up by Vladimir Arnold in his famous seminar at Moscow State University. Original Russian edition published by Phasis, Moscow, 2000.

A First Course in Calculus (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 5th ed. 1986. 5th corr. printing, 1998 Edition
0387962018の画像Lang, Serge
1986/02 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\4,697 / 標準価格:税込\7,046    ISBN:9780387962016
★Originally published by Addison-Wesley, 1978, 1973, 1968, 1964. Covers all of the topics traditionally taught in the first-year calculus sequence. The book consists of five parts: Review of Basic Material, Differention and Elementary Functions, Integration, Taylor's Formula and Series and Functions of Several Variables.

Selected Papers : On the Classification of Varieties and Moduli Spaces
038721092Xの画像Mumford, David
2004 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\8,706 / 標準価格:税込\13,059    ISBN:9780387210926

Part I. Geometric Invariant Theory and the Moduli of Curves
*Commentary by David Gieseker * An elementary theorem in geometric invariant theory (1961)...
Part II.Theta Functions and the Moduli of Abelian Varieties
*Commentary by George Kempf and Herbert Lange * and more.

Stochastic Processes : Lectures Given at Aarhus University
3540204822の画像Ito, Kiyosi
2004 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\5,220 / 標準価格:税込\7,830    ISBN:9783540204824
Ed. by Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen and Keniti Sato.

Foundations of Modern Probability (Probability and Its Applications) 2ND Edition
0387953132の画像Kallenberg, Olav
2002 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\5,220 / 標準価格:税込\7,830    ISBN:9780387953137

Contents: Measure Theory-Basic Notions; Measure Theory-Key Results; Processes, Distributions, and Independence; Random Sequences, Series, and Averages; and more.

Introduction to Cryptography (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 2ND Edition
0387207562の画像Buchmann, Johannes
2004 (Springer)

カード決済価格:税込\3,477 / 標準価格:税込\5,216    ISBN:9780387207568
★Written for readers with only basic mathematical knowledge, several exercises are included following each chapter. Includes new material on the AES encryption algorithm, the SHA-1 Hash algorithm, on secret sharing, and more.

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